What Is Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common complaint that can be felt in and around the hip joint. The causes of hip pain can be multifactorial, and the exact location of the pain can suggest the probable underlying condition causing it.


Hip pain is a common symptom that can be caused by various conditions. Pain felt inside the hip joint or in the groin area is more likely to be due to problems within the hip joint itself. If pain felt on the outer side of the hip, upper thigh, or buttocks may be caused by problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. It’s worth noting that certain disease conditions affecting other parts of the body, such as the lower back or knees, can also cause hip pain.

The common causes of sudden hip pain is an injury resulting in a fracture of the hip bone. Hip fractures are more common in the elderly as their bones wear out with age. Other causes of hip pain include arthritis, bursitis, infection, low back pain, osteonecrosis of the hip, sprains, strains, and tendinitis resulting from repetitive use.


Symptomatic relief can be achieved through self-care and the use of pain-relieving anti-inflammatory medications. However, it is important to identify and address the underlying cause of the pain. To improve your quality of life and avoid exacerbating your symptoms, consider implementing certain measures. This includes refraining from physical activities that may aggravate the pain, stretching your quadriceps and hamstring muscles, and performing warm-up exercises before your regular exercise routine. Additionally, applying ice packs to the affected area for 15 minutes, three to four times a day can reduce pain and swelling. In the event of an injury resulting in severe hip pain and swelling, it is recommended that you speak with an orthopedic surgeon immediately to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.