What Is Shoulder Impingement?

Shoulder pain is a common issue that patients present with at Dr. Nawaid Ahmed’s orthopedic office. One of the most common causes of joint pain is shoulder impingement, which can occur without any apparent cause. Shoulder impingement happens when the rotator cuff tendons are pinched or compressed, leading to swelling, inflammation, and pain within the shoulder joint. Due to the shoulder’s high degree of mobility, it is susceptible to various injuries, including shoulder impingement. This condition occurs when a rotator cuff tendon becomes damaged as it rubs against the ligaments and bones within the shoulder. Athletes, especially swimmers, have a higher risk of developing this shoulder condition. In some cases, athletes may develop bone spurs under the acromion, a flat bone located at the top of the shoulder blade, which can lead to severe impingement and chronic shoulder pain. In addition, age is believed to be a contributing factor to shoulder impingement in some patients, as bone spurs can develop naturally as the body ages.

What Are Shoulder Impingement Symptoms?

Shoulder pain is the most prevalent symptom associated with a particular medical condition. It is commonly experienced during daily activities such as dressing or sleeping and usually felt on the front of the shoulder and outer part of the upper arm. Some individuals may also encounter shoulder weakness and a grinding sensation.

How To Know You Have Shoulder Impingement?

It is advisable for patients to report any discomfort felt over the front of the shoulder and outer part of the upper arm without delay. Shoulder impingement inflammation tends to escalate quickly, and failure to seek medical attention may obscure actual injury symptoms. Dr. Nawaid Ahmed conducts a comprehensive physical examination and diagnostic tests to diagnose the shoulder ailment and exclude other injuries.

How To Treat Shoulder Impingement With Surgery?

In case of persistent pain following a non-surgical treatment plan, He may suggest arthroscopic shoulder surgery. This procedure involves creating small incisions in the affected region to insert a tiny camera and surgical instruments. He then thoroughly examines the rotator cuff to detect any potential tears. If bone spurs are present, he will extract them along with any inflamed regions. The smoothed area facilitates painless movement range for the patient.